Saturday, June 23, 2012

2012 Korean Sumer Fashion - Initial thoughts

In preparation - two months to be exact - for my upcoming trip to South Korea in summer, I have been deliberating on the clothes I'll be bringing and wearing there. I'm opting to pack lightly and not burden myself with a heavy, overweight luggage, which I suffered for in my previous trip to Korea. The reason for my overweight luggage was primarily due to my heavy winter coats and whatever warm jumpers I could bring with me. I paid dearly for the overweight luggage fine, a total of $100 dollars. I have learned my lesson and will carefully be planning on what to bring. There are two important reminders that I keep telling myself: 1) Quantity-wise, I have enough Summer clothes that makes it unnecessary for me to go shopping for the latest Summer fashion trends; and 2) At the end of the day, comfort overrules and looks.

However, temptations keep coming at me. I keep researching on what Koreans usually wear in summer. As I heard, Korea in summer is rather humid. I have lived in an all-year humid country, so I am quite used to living in humid weather. However, most of my Korean friends have urged me that the summer in Korea is so humid. I ask myself whether they are just overreacting and unaware of the fact that I have had a long experience living in hot and humid countries, or they could be dead serious about the hot weather. Temperature wise, summer in Korea is less harsh than Australian summer. In fact, Australian summer is one of the most hottest - and painful - summers anywhere in the world. So, I'm used to walking out in temperatures reaching the hight 30s Celsius. So, after much asking and research done, I'm still confused on exactly how humid it gets. But, I am quite certain that I will be able to tolerate the hot weather.

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