Sunday, May 13, 2012


I feel like I'm in a stage where my near future has become so uncertain. There are so many things I want to do, and most of them require having ample amount of money to spend, and places to go. Yet, I know it would illogical to just drop what I'm doing and head off into the great unknown.
Now, my semester is drawing to a close. This will be our second last week of classes, before the exam period starts. Fortunately, I am not plagued with exams, but I do have an large amount of research essays due. My first one is due in two weeks. The cold, dreary weather has been of no help so far. I find myself dreaming away of some uncertain thing and go window shopping for temporary relief. In fact, that's what I plan to do when I go out to the city before attending my class. Anyhow, I've been really lazy and putting off the work I need to do by doing other things. My professor in my International NGOs, Civil Society and Development class, that even though one asks for an extension of, in this case, submitting one's essay, you'd just be extending the suffering. It wouldn't make any difference that you'd just be delaying the finish off your torture. So, I need to find some motivation or thing to keep me running till June. I also need some way to save my money. I've found that I've been struggling to keep apace with my regular saving. I might even take a casual job while I'm on break. Who knows? Life is uncertain. Decisions have to make with the utmost care.
There's still the ongoing application process of that internship I applied at my boyfriend's university back in March. I applied so early for it. I wish they had some clear dates of when accepting of applications would start and finish. I've really made this a long and arduous wait. It would be amazing if I got accepted. The minute I read that e-mail saying that I have been selected for that intern position, I'm going to immediately research on the next possible date that I can go to Sydney, since that's the only nearest Korean consulate/embassy. Strangely enough, Melbourne has no Korean consulate. I wonder how difficult and bothersome it must be for those Koreans living here. Anyhow, I cannot wait to receive that e-mail. Furthermore, I do think that I will be finding out the results by beginning of June since the person in charge at that office had told me that he would be starting the selection process between mid- to end of May. Wow, I can imagine myself being in Daegu again. Imagine myself working there. It might not be the classiest or sophisticated job. But being given six months of improving my Korean, being able to observe Korean society, living in Daegu where prices were just heart-melting. Wow.

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