Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Entry number 1, 나의 첫 번째 항목

I've read so many travel blogs by people who have travelled the world and shared their many stories and experiences via the world wide web. The idea that your blog/diary/journal being read by practically any person (provided that your privacy settings is set that way) was - and still is - a rather nerve-wracking thing. But I've come to enjoy how I've been able to enjoy reading many travellers' accounts of their amazing experiences of being in different countries through this way, blogging.

After having completed an exchange program in Seattle for five months, it has triggered my travel-happy button. My next destination is South Korea this Christmas, which I am very excited about. Recently, I discovered an amazing blog entitled The Marmot's Hole, which includes many current news and events happening in South Korea as well as many amazing pictures shared by the blog's author (http://www.rjkoehler.com/).

In addition to the blogging experience, a friend of mine who I became good friends with when I was studying in Seattle has begun his own travel blog, which will serve as his main communication tool for keeping us informed of his exchange in Japan. So, I'm inspired to start my own blog. My aim is to be able to store as much stories and experiences to keep for myself for future reading enjoyment, and to share to the world. 

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